a little inspiration

美 [ə ˈlɪtl ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn]英 [ə ˈlɪtl ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络一点灵感;再配上淡雅的声音
a little inspirationa little inspiration
  1. Finally I talk about a little inspiration to me .


  2. This study closely linked to the actual review of the senior three in order to provide a little inspiration in the review of senior three .


  3. This series of creative as traditional elements and western culture symbol of creativity , hope to give you the fusion a little inspiration and thinking !


  4. At the same time , the author hopes that this paper can provide a little inspiration of foreign exchange risk awareness and prevention to the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises .


  5. Here 's hoping the article has offered up a little inspiration and shown that even IE has a few tricks up its sleeve , allowing us to pull off some layout fun .


  6. They are perfect for businesses that need a little divine inspiration .


  7. Sometimes I find there 'll be a little nugget of inspiration left behind .


  8. This paper hopes to have a little bit of inspiration to the network moral education of the current , so as to provide reference for basic education in middle schools .


  9. At last , the author hopes that this thesis can give a little enlightenment and inspiration to language researchers , and stimulate public discussion on this topic for further study .


  10. For someone who needs a little bit of inspiration to get them up off the couch , and out the door to follow their dreams , the power of a motivation quote is a timeless tool .
